Monday, 10 March 2014

White Hat Black Hat Gray Hat SEO

There are many type techniques to optimize website on web search engines. Some techniques are the following.

White Hat: this is an ethical website promotion technique on web search engines. Webmasters follow all search engines terms and conditions. Any search engines do not penalty or dropped keywords ranking. But this is a hard and very long process to get top 10 ranking on web search engines.

Black Hat: this is a non-ethical technique to optimize a website on web search engines. Webmasters do not follow search engines term and conditions. This is quick and fast techniques to get top then ranking on Google, Bing and Yahoo. But this type ranking can drop on search engines algorithm update.

Gray Hat: this is a smart technique to get top ranking on search engines. Gray hat technique is a mix of the white and black hat search engine optimizations.

MM Soft Solutions offers SEO Services in Delhi city. Agency promote website according latest Google algorithm which includes Panda, Penguin and hummingbird algorithm.

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